It shares the most effective, up-to-the minute and most easily accessible information about how to support, develop and optimise the communication skills and sensory development of each child with ASD at school.
This portal has been created by two consultant speech & language therapists – Karen O’Connor & Carmel Burke – who have over fifty years of collective experience working with children with ASD both at home and at school.
It has been created as an on-line portal so that teachers, SNAs, SETs and parents can easily and readily access answers to all their questions relating to each child’s communication development, language development, sensory development, setting up the classroom as an optimum learning environment and developing Student Support plans to name but a few areas.
Karen created for use at home or at school. The website is full of ideas, techniques, speech therapy courses and sessions, sensory sessions and programmes, video courses and video programmes developed by Karen to help children with all kinds of speech, language, communication and sensory difficulties to progress and achieve their true potential.
These programmes are suitable for children from 2-18 years and can be carried out at home or at school.
If you have any children in your class who are presenting with such difficulties, then we have the programmes for you.
We will teach you how to:
Does my child really have Autism (ASD)?
How to really help a child with Dyspraxia achieve their greatest potential?
How can we really help children with Sensory processing difficulties (SPD)?
Is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) or Auditory processing disorder (APD) really for life? No!
Does my child really have ADHD?
How to help a child with Global developmental delay (GDD) achieve their true potential?
How to help children with Intellectual disability achieve their greatest potential?
“Why does my child not like hugs & kisses?”
The Touch Sense
“Why is my child’s eye-contact so poor?”
The Visual Sense
“Why is my child so busy, moving all the time?”
The Movement Sense
“Why is my child’s speech so poor?”
The Oral Sense
“Why does my child cover his ears to certain sounds?”
The Auditory Sense