Sensory Diet Corner

Karen has developed this sensory-diet corner for you so that you can learn what sensory activities are suitable ad helpful for your child so that they can be calm and regulated. By going through these programmes you will be able to develop a suitable sensory diet for your child starting today!So what is a ‘sensory-diet’? A sensory-diet is the term coined by Patti and Julia Wilbarger – two internationally renowned Occupational Therapists – to describe a diet or programme of sensory activities that can be carried out over the period of the day with your child so that they can be calm, regulated and ready to listen and learn language.Enjoy creating a sensory-diet for your child today!
Karen has developed this sensory-diet corner for you so that you can learn what sensory activities are suitable ad helpful for your child so that they can be calm and regulated. By going through these programmes you will be able to develop a suitable sensory diet for your child starting today!So what is a ‘sensory-diet’? A sensory-diet is the term coined by Patti and Julia Wilbarger – two internationally renowned Occupational Therapists – to describe a diet or programme of sensory activities that can be carried out over the period of the day with your child so that they can be calm, regulated and ready to listen and learn language.Enjoy creating a sensory-diet for your child today!