Sense of Taste (Mouth)


In this section, Karen explains how children with oral sensory challenges can have difficulty with speech, articulation, feeding. Biting and mouthing can be a real challenge for children with oral sensory processing difficulties. These children can be very picky eaters with poor articulation of sounds and words.

Karen goes on to describe how children with oral sensory challenges can achieve their potential by using the best techniques to resolve these issues.

On this page

Sense of Taste (Mouth)

If you find that your child is reluctant to put things in his mouth, picky feeder etc, try the following:

  • Deep-pressure massage with your finger on the lips, tongue and palate – link to video demonstration
  • Opportunities to try lots of different foods
  • Fun sucking on blowing activities e.g. blowing bubbles, balloons, respiratory toys.
  • Use the Oral Massage programme – more information about this sensory programme is available in the Resources section. 

If you find that your child is eager to put a lot of things in his mouth; including non-food items, do the following:

  • Use an electric toothbrush firmly on the tongue and palate i.e. roof of the mouth
  • Encourage a variety of food textures and tastes e.g. eating a lemon, peppermint, salty and spicy foods.
  • Use the Oral Massage programme – please see the Resources section for more information about this sensory programme.